こんばんは!もう一昨日の事ですがDAVID KAWAMURAさんのレザーカービングの講習会に参加してきました!
今回カービングしたDAVIDさんの図案は特徴的な部分が多くあり、一目で彼が彫ったとわかります。これはとても凄い事です。 作品自体がもう名刺ですね、これは自分も目指しているところですがまだまだ旅の途中といった感じですね。
カット後です、いつもは極端に長い線をカットしなくていいようにデザインしますが今回はあえて長い線をカットしなくてはいけないデザインを書きました。 染め上がりと出来上がりが非常に楽しみです!
Yesterday I attended DAVID KAWAMURA’s leather seminar in Tokyo. He’s a Japanese national living in Texas and specializes in saddles.
At first glance you can understand David’s character as his leatherwork are an extension of his character. He is able to convey his creativity through his work. Just as I do, his carving reflects his expression.
After the seminar we hung out for a while and I enjoyed getting to know him better. Some say eyes are the key to the soul and by looking into David’s eyes, you can see his strength.
After spending the night at a friend’s house, I went to Ueno and bought a new pair of jeans! For those who don’t know, there are pairs of jeans that are made to shrink after its first wash. The more you wear them, the more the creases and lines develop. I’m excited to wash my jeans today!
Now back to leatherwork. This is the drawing design for a half wallet. I learned a lot of technique at David’s seminar and couldn’t wait to practice them.
For this wallet, I drew an open design and traced it onto the leather. After that, I carved the leather and after seeing the piece, I cannot wait to dye and complete the project!
What do you think? If you have any questions, please contact me at hemisleather@gmail.com
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